
Why is the JVM on my Linux Server using so much CPU?

Once in a while the CPU usage on one of our development servers rails and hits 100% and never lets up.  A couple of times it actually hit 200% (2 threads burning 2 cores at 100%) or more before we noticed.  These are not good situations, and something you want to get to the bottom of and fix before it starts happening in your production environment.
The lazy thing to do is restart the entire server, or restart the process that's railed.  But this is just ignoring the problem.  Avoidance is what you should be doing.  Here's how you get to the bottom of what's going on:
1. Get the PID causing the problem, run top to get the list of processes using the most CPU, it'll be the first entry.  As you can probably guess, it was my JVM.
2. Get the IDs of the threads in the process causing the problem (my PID was 2089): top -H -p 2089
11405 liferay   20   0 11.7g 6.8g  14m R 99.4 88.5  23074:07 java
10000 liferay   20   0 11.7g 6.8g  14m R 99.4 88.5  23079:00 java
 3390 liferay   20   0 11.7g 6.8g  14m S  3.9 88.5  22:42.06 java
 2089 liferay   20   0 11.7g 6.8g  14m S  0.0 88.5   0:00.02 java
 2098 liferay   20   0 11.7g 6.8g  14m S  0.0 88.5   0:01.85 java
 2111 liferay   20   0 11.7g 6.8g  14m S  0.0 88.5   3:15.03 java
 2112 liferay   20   0 11.7g 6.8g  14m S  0.0 88.5   3:11.32 java

From the top listing, it's easy to see the first two threads are the problem, 11405 and 10000 are using almost 100% of the CPU each.  Convert the thread IDs to hex for step 4.
11405 -> 0x2C8D
10000 -> 0x2710

3. Take a thread dump of your JVM: /usr/java/jdk1.6.10/bin/jstack 2089 > /tmp/td.log
4. Search your thread dump for the threads causing your problem (found in step 2).  For example, I found the following:
"pool-400-thread-53" prio=10 tid=0x00007fde4801efd0 nid=0x2c8d runnable [0x00007fdde3ba4000]
   java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
        at java.util.HashMap.getEntry(HashMap.java:347)
        at java.util.HashMap.containsKey(HashMap.java:335)
        at java.util.HashSet.contains(HashSet.java:184)
        at com.vaadin.ui.CustomTable.unregisterPropertiesAndComponents(CustomTable.java:2322)
        at com.vaadin.ui.CustomTable.getVisibleCellsNoCache(CustomTable.java:2219)
Looking through the stack trace for 0x2c8d, I was eventually able to find a custom class and a line number that allowed me to narrow down the source of the problem.
Finding the general area of the problem is usually the easy part.  The hard part is eliminating the source of the problem, which I'll leave up to you.
Good luck.